Membership Renewal is £35 per year, renewed from January.
Arrange your NEW membership here (see sliding scale details below). EXISTING students pass your membership book to your instructor to have it updated when you’ve confirmed £35 paid.
Sort Code: 09-01-39
Account Number: 60310480
Easy, confirm by text your Full Name when your payment is made to.. 07539 085080. You should receive your licence at your next lesson.
New students, on receipt of your membership book complete the remaining details and add a recent photograph.
Note: Your Wing Chun UK membership book also acts as a record for your grading achievements so, keep it safe !
Read Carefully, As with all Martial Arts insurance is necessary hence you need a Wing Chun UK Licence Membership book. This covers you as a student for member to member indemnity insurance up to the maximum sum of £1 million (if you wish you can naturally arrange higher cover for yourself.)
N.B. It is vital that you inform your instructor of any medical conditions that may affect your training.
There is a sliding scale for just for NEW members depending on start dates.
January £35
February £35
March £35
April £35
May £35
June £25
July £25
August £25
September £25
October £35 includes to end of following year
November £35 includes to end of following year
December £35 includes to end of following year